Wednesday, October 29, 2008
And you thought I'd never post again!
Life is busy! Fall is here and the mountains are beautiful. We actually had our first snow on Tuesday morning. SNOW!!! It's not even Halloween yet! It was just a dusting, built up on the roof of the barn and on the tree stumps in the yard, but it was snow none the less. It's been chilly, and I am always cold now that I've lost my insulation. My coats are all too big...I've gotta hit a Goodwill or something and get some warm stuff to wear.
Since it's fall, the Leaf Lookers are all here, and that means it's Craft Show and Festival time! Yeah! I've been making soap, and making soap, and making soap! And then on the weekends I've been selling soap, and selling soap, and selling soap! It's fun, but hectic.
Well, Election Day is almost here. It's quite the amazing race! I will be voting for McCain/Palin, as I believe that the ProLife stand is important. There are things I like about McCain, and things I don't. I can say the same thing about Obama. I don't worry about the election though. I just do my part, and I figure that God will still be in control, and will have his hand on whoever ends up being our President. You may call me simple minded. I just believe what I believe. No apologies for that. Ok, enough about that. (Except to say that the SNL skits with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin are just too funny....)
Our church is going through a project called 40 Days of Love. It's been good, and it really makes you look at the relationships in your life and how they can all be better if we learn to love like Jesus loves. Sounds easy enough, right? Not always. This has made me really look at how I treat others - do I look for ways to help them? Do I really listen to them? Am I willing to speak the truth in love when necessary? Do I trust my loved ones? Do they trust me? Do I put their needs before my own? Do I try to love the unloveable? Hmmmmm.
I hope you are loved today!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
My, my...time flies
Remember when you sat in class, waiting for the bell to ring? Five minutes felt like forever. Now that I'm 50, I blink and the week is over.
I was reading my friend Jen's baby site for her son Austin, who just turned 2 yesterday. His birthday is a wonderful event, but it also reminds us of the unexpected death of his sweet father, Thomas, 2 years ago on 8/19. I cannot imagine how the time has passed for Jen. When I think of Jen and Thomas, I see his sweet smile in a picture I took of them before their wedding. I think of the wedding itself, almost flooded out due to some particularly wet Florida June weather - but soooo beautiful. I see Jen and Thomas dancing in the courtyard after the rain had stopped. It seems like yesterday, but in fact was 5 years ago. Time flies indeed.
I look at my own sweet boys. Joel at 26, a married, working man. I still picture him at 7 years old, laughing and clowning for the camera, his little Polk County southern accent saying, "Daaiddy!" The Polk County accent is gone, replaced by the generic Manatee County non-specific only slightly southern drawl. He no longer calls Dad "Daddy", but he will still ham it up for the camera on occasion. And then there is my baby, Josh. Now almost 12, and he outweighs me by 50 lbs. Where is that baby that I carried? Seems like it was just yesterday and I was feeling the Bug move around inside me. Now he's starting 6th grade, dreaming of the car he will buy someday, telling me he likes brunettes more than blondes....AAAAAH!!
Well, regardless of how time is flying, the best thing we can do is to live in the moment. We can't change what's passed, and tomorrow may or may not come. So NOW is what we have and what we should live in. I've been thinking lately about that. About why we save the good china for "special occasions" and why we put things off til we are thinner or more financially secure. I don't want to waste today, dreaming about a tomorrow that may never come. I want to enjoy today, and live it to its fullest. Clean my house like company's coming, fix my husband's favorite foods, wear a dress once in a while instead of jeans, take a drive just to look at the mountains, burn the candles I bought that smell so good, wash my body with that homemade soap, go to lunch with my friends, tell someone how much I love and appreciate them, do it now - not tomorrow!!!
I need to stop now, so I can enjoy today. You have a good one too.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
In Memory of Andrew Widman - A true Servant Heart
As time went on, another little boy, Joshua came along. Then finally a girl - Susanna Ruth! By this time I had graduated from high school, and soon after Tommy and Bonnie and the kids headed for Texas so that Tommy could go to seminary. I remember visiting them when Susanna was about 3 or 4, so sweet...walking around always on her tippy toes...a tiny little fairy girl.
Fast forward many years. The little fairy girl was now a tiny, beautiful princess in her wedding gown, marrying a handsome prince named Andrew Widman. By this time I was married and had 2 kids, and it seemed amazing that this little one that I held as a baby was now a radiant bride. I was so happy for her, that she had fallen in love with a man who was good, and loved Jesus and her so much.
Although I haven't had personal contact with Susanna and Andrew, Bonnie and Tommy have been good to keep me up to date as their lives progressed. First a son, Samuel. We prayed as they sought to be missionaries in Thailand. Then little Sasha was born, and we prayed as she went through some health issues. And most recently they brought baby Sylvia into the world, and Bonnie and Tommy shared with us that Andrew had become a policeman with the Ft. Myers PD. It looked like everything was going well. Everyone healthy and happy.
Until 2am July 18, 2008. 30 year old, just a year on the force Andy responded to a domestic disturbance in downtown Ft. Myers, and was shot point blank and killed instantly. His fellow officers took down the suspect out. But that doesn't bring Andy back.
From what I know of Andy, he was a true servant. He loved the Lord and loved his family. He loved being a police officer. This was his mission field. He swore to serve and protect. He prayed with victims of violent crimes, and probably even for those he arrested. He was a unique and special man in all his ways.
My husband and I have kept up with the news, watched the funeral on the internet. How proud I am of Susanna - her grace and strength in such a crushing time, sharing a piece of her heart with us during the service and showing us just a little more about this Andy, this man we would have loved to have known better. We cried as we watched, wishing we could be there to do something - anything - to help ease the pain of our friends. There is only one pain reliever though, and his name is Jesus. Right now, I'm asking him again how this will bring him glory...why does a young, vibrant, good and loving father and husband have to die? We have another friend who lost her 37 year old husband 2 years ago, and delivered their son a week later. My heart breaks for these young women. Each of them had indeed found their soul mates in their wonderful husbands, and now they are gone. They will raise their children without these special men who were and would have been great fathers.
I love the Lord, I really do. I have no personal fear of death, I know that it is just step into eternal life. But man, I really don't understand why some things have to happen. And I do ask WHY? I think my God is big enough to handle my asking. I don't think he always answers, but I know he hears me, and all the others who ask why. And he holds us while we ask, and he sends a peace that passes all understanding.
I hope that if you've read this, you will pray for Susanna Widman, and for her children. Pray for peace, comfort and guidance. Pray that they will be able to mourn, and that they will be able to go on and to lead the lives that Andy would have wanted for them. I know Andy is just fine. He's home. The Lord says, "Precious in my eyes is the death of my servant." It's the ones who are left behind that need our prayers, our love and our support.
Hug your family. Each day is precious.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Shack
I loved this book. It may not be theologically perfect, but it touches some deep areas regarding our trust in God, and whether we really feel that he is good and trustworthy and in control. For me, this reaffirmed what I have known (especially in my head) and has pushed these things deeper into my heart and soul.
The more of life I experience, the more I realize that I have to trust in my loving Father God, even when the more of life I experience the more I wonder why I trust him!!! Does that make sense? Read this book and maybe it will make a little more sense to you.
There are so many layers of I AM that we have not even begun to touch. We are wrapped up in religiosity and in the corporate church structure...we forget about the simple act of relationship. Getting to know Jesus, loving him, loving Father, understanding his ways, hearing the Holy Spirit as he guides and directs us. Realizing God in trinity is with us at all times, expressing his love for us in ways we can't comprehend. And relationship with one another..loving each other should be our foremost priority, and as the Apostle John has said, if we just did that one thing...loved one would be enough.
My goal, after reading this book, is to be more intentional in my relationships...with Abba, with my husband and sons and daughter in law, with my mom and siblings and other family, with my dear sweet friends. Relationship and community with one another is where the heart of Jesus can be found. I want his heart - beating and loving through me. I want the wind of the Holy Spirit whispering in my ear, and I want to be aware of what is being spoken to me. I want to be wrapped in the arms of my loving "Papa" and to know that he is especially fond of me.
Go get The Shack and read it...and pass it on to someone you love!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Shorts...a new hair cut...What?! Winter weather?
Today, I got my stringy hair cut. It's been a long time since I've had it short, but I like it pretty well. I may even have a few layers cut in after I play around with it for a week or so.
So those are the minor changes in my life at the moment. Time just seems to fly by! Josh has his end of year testing this Friday, so school will be coming to a close soon. We have a trip to Michigan planned for the end of May, and look forward to seeing my brother and sister in law, and my older son Joel and his wife Robin who are also coming up. The guys will have a fishing trip for walleye on Lake Erie. I guess the girls will shop!
All in all, life is good as usual. Can't wait to see what new things are coming our way!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Springtime in the mountains
I've actually been pretty busy lately, making soap and candles in preparation for the first festival of the season. Yesterday we were selling our wares at the Appalachian Growers Fair, in beautiful Dillsboro, NC. This was a first time event, to raise funds for the Monteith Homestead. The day started out raining, but by the time we got set up and the fair opened, the sun was indeed shining. It was a beautiful day, and we did pretty well in sales. I've been making and selling jewelry for about 5 years now, but during the last 2 years I've been converting over to soapmaking. There are way too many jewelry folks in my neck of the woods! (Franklin is the Gem Capital!) So, this at this event, I had soap, candles and jewelry! I heard from several customers that I had the best booth there!
Soapmaking is fun, and we love using my homemade soap. It's mild and makes your skin feel good! And all the different scents are heavenly. I make my soap from scratch, starting with lye and water, and adding that to my selected oils. I use the hot process, where you cook the soap in the oven for a while. Makes a nice soap, kind of rustic looking. I have also done cold process and liked that too. The cold process lets you have more time to make swirls and such with your colors, or to do layering. Either way produces a good product. There is just nothing like a nice handmade soap!
My soap company is called Lily and the King Handmade Soap. I can hear you - "Where in the world did you get that name?" Ok - Susan (my real name) means lily, and the King is my husband - King Louis! Hey, we like it. Louie has set up a website for me. It's in the early stages, and we have LOTS to add to it, but you can check it out at We took lots of soap pics yesterday, so hopefully we'll get it all updated soon!
Now I'm gonna be looking for some more fairs and festivals to sell my goodies. There are farmers markets and flea markets available as the weather gets warmer, so I've gotta get out there!
Hope to see you out enjoying our wonderful mountains!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Your Grace is Enough
The study has started out by comparing the Israelites' 40 years in the desert to our lives today. There are some amazing parallels and I especially liked the comparison of manna and God's grace. You remember manna - the bread of angels that God sent each morning to those grumbling people who wanted to go back to Egypt. God's instructions were that they should collect it every morning, and on the day before the Sabbath they were to collect twice what they needed. Everyone was to collect enough for each person in their family, and just enough for that day. When they measured it out, it came to about an omer each - and no one had too little or too much, regardless of what they collected.
So how is that compared to God's grace? First, it was available, and God sent it. However, the people had to get out of their tents and collect it...otherwise, they would just sit in there and starve, while provision for them was right outside their door. That's just like God's grace. It is available to us, but we have to collect it from Him. I guess that is the reason that some people get it, and some don't. We've got to have the relationship with Him, and seek Him to acquire that grace that He so freely gives.
Now manna was a daily thing. If it was kept overnight (except on the Sabbath) it got stinky and full of maggots. (Sorry! That's what the scriptures say!) I'm not saying that grace gets stinky, but I am saying that it should be a daily thing. It is new every morning, and we are to seek it daily. It's all about our relationship with God. We've gotta stay in communication with our Father! If you're trying to get by on grace that you received a month's going to be hard. You need some fresh grace for a new day! Talk to Him and ask for what you need!
Another interesting thing was that there was enough manna for everyone, whether some needed a little or a lot. That's grace - each morning it's new, and sometimes we need a lot more of it! Have you ever watched someone go through a tragedy and wondered how they could cope? Grace. Available on an 'as need' basis. There will never be too little of it, and never too much. I don't have to fear that you will use it all up in your time of need - when I need it, more will be available for me. Unlimited, unmerited grace.
God said that the Israelites would see His glory each morning when they saw the manna. We see His glory with every drop of grace He pours out on us.
I hope you are collecting your grace today, and that in it, you see His glory.
Oh Praise Him!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I'm back!
Well, well, well! 'Bout time I got back here and posted something! I have no good excuses for why I haven't posted. So, post I will.
I think I was still in Florida the last time I posted. We had a lovely Christmas morning with my son Joel and his beautiful bride Robin. Then over to my mom's for Christmas gifts and dinner. A very nice day overall.
We left to come home to NC on the Saturday before New Years. It was great to get home. However, the house was cold, and the mice had a grand old time while we were gone - leaving my pantry full of little brown presents, and lots of surprise stashes of rice and popcorn all over the place. Fun!
We got to spend New Year's Eve at the home of our friends Mike and Peggy. Also there were their daughter Jen and baby Austin, and our friends John and Dana with their daughters Jackie and Shannon, and granddaughter Maddie. We had a fun night!
Life is pretty much back to winter normal. We did have a nice snow on New Year's Day, and the last of it just melted off our driveway yesterday. Can't wait for the next snow!
As you can see in the picture (if you compare it to some older ones) I've continued on the weigh down. I have lost 94lbs so far, with about 30 to go. My Type II Diabetes and my Sleep Apnea are gone! Yee haw! I am smaller now than I was in the 5th grade. Ok, so I was the tallest and biggest kid in my class...but it's still true! I continue to try to choose to eat healthy foods, and to get some exercise on most days. Josh and Louie are trying to improve their eating habits along with me, so it's a win-win situation.
God is good. We came back to NC with no real job prospects for Louie. Of course a job he never expected came to him, and even though he's driving 3 hours a day to and from the job, it's money in the bank! We're still trying to decide what the Lord has in store for us here. We just walk each day a step at a time, and wait for Him to show us the way. I don't know how we can feel secure in this, but somehow we do. He's held us so far, and will continue to meet our needs as we continue to rely on Him.
I'll post again before you know it, so do check back!
Loving life!