Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shorts...a new hair cut...What?! Winter weather?

We had a great day on Saturday 4/26. Put on the shorts and headed out to a festival in Sylva called Greening up the Mountains. Then, during the last day or so, it got cold again. I think we had Dogwood Winter and maybe now it's Blackberry Winter. Whatever. I'm ready for Spring!

Today, I got my stringy hair cut. It's been a long time since I've had it short, but I like it pretty well. I may even have a few layers cut in after I play around with it for a week or so.

So those are the minor changes in my life at the moment. Time just seems to fly by! Josh has his end of year testing this Friday, so school will be coming to a close soon. We have a trip to Michigan planned for the end of May, and look forward to seeing my brother and sister in law, and my older son Joel and his wife Robin who are also coming up. The guys will have a fishing trip for walleye on Lake Erie. I guess the girls will shop!

All in all, life is good as usual. Can't wait to see what new things are coming our way!

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