Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Reflections on 2006

What a year, 2006. While our life in the mountains has remained relatively quiet, this past year has brought major changes in the lives of some of our closest friends. We've seen 20 year jobs disappear in a blink, loved ones die suddenly, babies born and more.

In all this, I know one thing, that God is sovereign, and He is love. There is a plan, and so often we can't see it. Keeps us holding tight to His hand, one step at a time.

So, what will 2007 bring? Hopefully we will see fulfillment of some dreams, the beginnings of other dreams. Maybe Father will give us some insight into why some things have happened, or if not that, He will begin healing up those open wounds so that all will be strong, and ready for whatever He has instore.

I pray that this year we will have....
lots of people to love and time to love them
songs to sing, both old and new, with old friends and new friends
food and fitness (can they actually co-exist?!)
good books and movies
revelations divine
passion for the Word
a desire to grow spiritually
freedom to be all that we are in Jesus

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