Tuesday, January 2, 2007

My resolution to not make resolutions

Once again a new year rolls around, and we give thought to our resolutions for 2007. For the past several years, I have resolved to NOT make any resolutions, as I am not great at keeping them. So instead, I will think of things that I would like to do differently this year.

1. Walk more. I did pretty well with this for a while last year, after receiving a Type II Diabetes diagnosis. However, I did not follow through. So, my goal will be to walk more and more often.
2. Eat right. Ditto for the above. I just love to eat, okay? And I love to cook! So, I guess this year my goal will be to try to make delicious dishes that don't over do it! ooooh...sounds like a cookbook title!
3. Pray more. We all pray when we feel we are at last resorts. Prayer should always be our FIRST resort. If we really believe what we say we believe...then prayer is the way to go. I want God to really show Himself to me this year....really WOW me. So, I need to pray, and spend a lot of time listening, too!
4. Stretch. I want to stretch myself in lots of ways...physically, mentally, spiritually; in giving, in reaching out, in loving, in being real; in my gifts, in my crafts, in all that I do. Lots to work on there.

Okay. That's enough. If I even attempt all these areas, I will be doing well in 2007. How about you?

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