Friday, February 23, 2007

Visiting FL...

Here we are in sunny Florida. A nice break from the cold weather, although its about 60 something at home right now too. Spring is a comin'!

We're staying with my son Joel, and his lovely wife Robin. Joel has a big Hi-Def TV. Wow, there really are some people you don't want to see in hi-def....Randy Jackson, David Letterman, some of the local news anchors....however, Paula Abdul actually looks better in hi-def than on my very regular tv. And, I noticed that Regis and Kelly don't even broadcast in hi-def...hmmmmmm. Josh is also really enjoying playing PS2 on the huge screen, rather than his tiny tv at home. Have fun while you can!

I feel like I'm wasting time right now...there are people I need to see! Alas and alack, they are working! But its Friday, and the weekend is coming, so that will bring more time with friends, and I am looking forward to it.

No great words of wisdom or insight....just passing time waiting on Louie.

Have a great weekend!

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