Friday, February 23, 2007

Visiting FL...

Here we are in sunny Florida. A nice break from the cold weather, although its about 60 something at home right now too. Spring is a comin'!

We're staying with my son Joel, and his lovely wife Robin. Joel has a big Hi-Def TV. Wow, there really are some people you don't want to see in hi-def....Randy Jackson, David Letterman, some of the local news anchors....however, Paula Abdul actually looks better in hi-def than on my very regular tv. And, I noticed that Regis and Kelly don't even broadcast in hi-def...hmmmmmm. Josh is also really enjoying playing PS2 on the huge screen, rather than his tiny tv at home. Have fun while you can!

I feel like I'm wasting time right now...there are people I need to see! Alas and alack, they are working! But its Friday, and the weekend is coming, so that will bring more time with friends, and I am looking forward to it.

No great words of wisdom or insight....just passing time waiting on Louie.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Fixing our eyes

I'm looking at life today, and trying to see the unseen. It is so very easy to focus on the seen, what is before us - and so blatantly I must say! We see what is in our own life, and in the lives of those we love. It's so easy to see illness, financial woes, job problems, relationship struggles, slips into sin, dissatisfaction; you name it. On the other hand, we might be focusing on good things - new babies, great marriages, job promotions, new car - house - stuff, paying off a credit card, running a marathon, losing that last 20 lbs! Either way, our focus is easily on what we can see. Here. In our life.

So how do we focus on the unseen? In my heart of hearts, I am a diehard believer in the unseen. I believe that there is a very thin veil separating us from the rest of our eternal life. And, I believe that the unseen is vastly more important than the seen. I guess that's why it makes no sense that most of my focus remains on what I see here (admit it - your's too!)

Faith - another word for focusing on the unseen. I need to continue to develop that muscle. To realize that what I go through here is just a "light and momentary struggle" that Father God is using to perfect me into what it is that I am to eternally be. It's not an easy muscle to develop though. In order to practice perfect faith, I have to let go of whatever it is that I am clinging to, and expect it to be in the complete control of our sovereign God. Unfortunately, I am impatient in my faith, often taking back whatever I have given Him, so I can chew on it - like a dog with a favorite bone. Then, once I've messed with it myself, and it's nice and slimy and I can't do anything with it...I hand it back to Him again. And I do this not just with my struggles, but with the struggles of people I love. I just want to fix things! Where's my magic wand?

So, I'm just pondering. Praying for a way out for a few of my lovies that probably don't see one right now. Letting it go to God. He is good, I know that for sure. He is in control - know that too. So now I'm just gonna focus on what I can't really see, and not fret about what is here staring me in the face. I'm gonna see lives redeemed from the pit, sins forgiven, finances fixed in unimaginable ways, faith restored, bodies healed, direction given, blessings shaken and pressed down - overflowing. Eternity pressing through the veil.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Superbowl Eve

Well, here it is, the Saturday before Superbowl 2007 (don't even ask me to write the Roman numerals for it) and we are just chillin' (literally - this basement is about 56 degrees and it's about 30 outside) through the day.

We should be on the way to Florida, ready to celebrate Superbowl Sunday with Joel, Robin and whoever else might show up for the party. However, the Dodge place informed us that Louie's truck will not be ready until early next week. (I didn't write about it, but about 3 1/2 weeks ago, his truck caught on fire inside the cab.... almost $9,000 in damages - thank the Lord for full coverage!) So, here we are in Franklin....once again preparing for a lonely little Superbowl party.
Go Colts - may Tony Dungy win!

To all my FL loved ones - enjoy! Eat too much, laugh too much, love on each other too much. See you next week!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Zoey the intrepid snow dog!

Here's my Zoey Girl Dog, getting a lift from Dad. She loves the snow, but we took a long walk and her feet were hurting, so Dad came to the rescue! Check out my album with more pics from the February 1st Snowday!
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Here's Gracie, she looks big in this pic, but is actually a pretty small cat!
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