Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm back!

Well, well, well! 'Bout time I got back here and posted something! I have no good excuses for why I haven't posted. So, post I will.

I think I was still in Florida the last time I posted. We had a lovely Christmas morning with my son Joel and his beautiful bride Robin. Then over to my mom's for Christmas gifts and dinner. A very nice day overall.

We left to come home to NC on the Saturday before New Years. It was great to get home. However, the house was cold, and the mice had a grand old time while we were gone - leaving my pantry full of little brown presents, and lots of surprise stashes of rice and popcorn all over the place. Fun!

We got to spend New Year's Eve at the home of our friends Mike and Peggy. Also there were their daughter Jen and baby Austin, and our friends John and Dana with their daughters Jackie and Shannon, and granddaughter Maddie. We had a fun night!

Life is pretty much back to winter normal. We did have a nice snow on New Year's Day, and the last of it just melted off our driveway yesterday. Can't wait for the next snow!

As you can see in the picture (if you compare it to some older ones) I've continued on the weigh down. I have lost 94lbs so far, with about 30 to go. My Type II Diabetes and my Sleep Apnea are gone! Yee haw! I am smaller now than I was in the 5th grade. Ok, so I was the tallest and biggest kid in my class...but it's still true! I continue to try to choose to eat healthy foods, and to get some exercise on most days. Josh and Louie are trying to improve their eating habits along with me, so it's a win-win situation.

God is good. We came back to NC with no real job prospects for Louie. Of course a job he never expected came to him, and even though he's driving 3 hours a day to and from the job, it's money in the bank! We're still trying to decide what the Lord has in store for us here. We just walk each day a step at a time, and wait for Him to show us the way. I don't know how we can feel secure in this, but somehow we do. He's held us so far, and will continue to meet our needs as we continue to rely on Him.

I'll post again before you know it, so do check back!

Loving life!