I'm leading the ladies' Bible Study at our church, and we're going through Beth Moore's "A Woman's Heart - God's Dwelling Place" - a great study! This was her very first study, and it is the first she has revisited and revamped. I'm definitely enjoying it.
The study has started out by comparing the Israelites' 40 years in the desert to our lives today. There are some amazing parallels and I especially liked the comparison of manna and God's grace. You remember manna - the bread of angels that God sent each morning to those grumbling people who wanted to go back to Egypt. God's instructions were that they should collect it every morning, and on the day before the Sabbath they were to collect twice what they needed. Everyone was to collect enough for each person in their family, and just enough for that day. When they measured it out, it came to about an omer each - and no one had too little or too much, regardless of what they collected.
So how is that compared to God's grace? First, it was available, and God sent it. However, the people had to get out of their tents and collect it...otherwise, they would just sit in there and starve, while provision for them was right outside their door. That's just like God's grace. It is available to us, but we have to collect it from Him. I guess that is the reason that some people get it, and some don't. We've got to have the relationship with Him, and seek Him to acquire that grace that He so freely gives.
Now manna was a daily thing. If it was kept overnight (except on the Sabbath) it got stinky and full of maggots. (Sorry! That's what the scriptures say!) I'm not saying that grace gets stinky, but I am saying that it should be a daily thing. It is new every morning, and we are to seek it daily. It's all about our relationship with God. We've gotta stay in communication with our Father! If you're trying to get by on grace that you received a month ago....it's going to be hard. You need some fresh grace for a new day! Talk to Him and ask for what you need!
Another interesting thing was that there was enough manna for everyone, whether some needed a little or a lot. That's grace - each morning it's new, and sometimes we need a lot more of it! Have you ever watched someone go through a tragedy and wondered how they could cope? Grace. Available on an 'as need' basis. There will never be too little of it, and never too much. I don't have to fear that you will use it all up in your time of need - when I need it, more will be available for me. Unlimited, unmerited grace.
God said that the Israelites would see His glory each morning when they saw the manna. We see His glory with every drop of grace He pours out on us.
I hope you are collecting your grace today, and that in it, you see His glory.
Oh Praise Him!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
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